Juillet 2023
InfraPPP & WAPPP (20 pages).
The economic and geopolitical situation described above has affected the number of PPP deals, whichdecreased from 265 updated PPP deals in Q1 of 2023 to 231 in Q2 of 2023. An encouraging trend is observedin the tender stage of projects, as there has been only a slight decrease in the number of projects.Comparing the first quarter of 2023 to the current quarter, we count 60 projects tendered, only slightlybelow the 58 of Q1. However, the number of projects awarded has experienced a decline, dropping from 70to 55 in the current quarter. Similarly, projects in the planning phase have seen a significant reduction,decreasing from 50 to 23 in the second quarter of 2023. Finally, the number of projects signed, projects inconstruction, and projects in operation has remained relatively stable, showing minimal fluctuations.